It is a 100% natural product and easy to digest. Due to its great natural properties, Palm fruit peeled in syrup is also called “Chontaduro” and “Vegetable Egg” and, in addition, it has a high content of Beta-Carotene, phosphorus and vitamins A, B, C, iron and calcium.
It is an excellent antioxidant and, it is said, that it favors skin care by slowing down premature aging and acting as an anticancer that protects and rehabilitates the mucous membranes.
If you are a person who likes daily exercise, chontaduro in brine will fill you with all the energy you need to give your 100% in activities that require great physical effort. It is a perfect food for professional athletes as it will also protect them from possible cardiovascular diseases by leveling the percentage of fats in the body such as cholesterol and triglycerides.
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